Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Voice-enabled Apps to shape the next practices of User Experience

What's all the "noise" about Voice-enabled apps, when your GPS device is still annoying the heck out of you while driving?

First, let's take a look at study from KPCB on the Internet Trends in 2011 predicting Noise, I mean Voice... to be the next "Touch" experience for the masses!



Not convinced yet? Here's Siri in action, your new Personal Mobile Assistant. Unlike your GPS assistant, this one allegedly works, has a flare of personality, will keep improving based on all the collected data, and will be open to 3rd party developers.

OK, so your browser or touch-based apps go from thumb to voice, but why is this such a game changer?

The idea is that Siri can take a user straight to an application and bypass Google or Microsoft intermediaries on the way to delivering your answers for weather, food, maps, entertainment content, and a few other things. Sounds like what Gadgets / Widgets / Dashboards were / are promising to do for the Web (and out-task the browser or search engine), yet I still use both complementary worlds in my daily work (and Google continues to thrive).

How applicable is Voice in the enterprise context? There were attempts in the past at least at SAP to build Voice composite apps. Some partners here and there, so the big questions remain what those killer use cases and scenarios for the m As one of the top analyst puts it: “The big thing to watch is the Siri integration … If it works well and is well integrated (as you would expect from Apple), it could very well be a game-changer.”



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