Monday, October 25, 2010

Our Recipe for Relaxation | Cracker Barrel | Country Living and Cooking

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Blast from the past - Kentucky! 16 years ago is when I landed in KY to live with a host family as an exchange student

Saturday, October 23, 2010

President #Obama leaves Vegas at the same time as my flight. Airport shutdown. Stuck in Ecomomy Plus cabin of #United

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Get with the program! uPods Overview - Bellini 2105 - #SAPTechEd

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Getting ready to hold strategy session on uPods with @vlvl at @SAPTechEd Come on over - Room 4609

Vegas Keynote @ #SAPTechEd - Enterprise Workspaces in Action

Monday, October 18, 2010

My session recording coming up this week at:

I thought you might be interested in this information about Virtual SAP TechEd 2010:

What keeps me awake at night - Google's impact on the Enterprise - #evilplans

Saturday, October 16, 2010

LAX in da house. Where you at, Ingelwood?

Tesla Runs It (and it ain't SAP). If they did, would they run Electrier or Environment Friendlier?

Juniper Networks ad in the Frankfurt Airport. They got the timing right, and the marketing keywords right to coincide with SAPs. I wonder if SAP marketing or legal folks would chase them down for stealing the theme at the same time when SAP spills millions in the new marketing campaign?

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Lifehouse rocking the #SAPteched ship!

Buffet at Kempinski and Breakfast for Champions

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Thomas Jung on SAP UI State of Affairs #sapteched

My friend Reiner Hammerich on SAP's Architecture and Way Forward

SAP New Horizons (formerly known as Dimensions, back in 2000) - Cloud, Mobile, In-Memory

Go Bjoern!

My boss on stage - Bjoern Goerke

The Power of AND

Powerful AND Simple to Use

Rockstar of SAP Technology #sapteched

Welcome to SAP TechEd Berlin

Intro by Mark Yolton

Sneak peek of SAP NetWeaver Live (a.k.a. uPods) for R/3 4.6C

R/3 4.6c with Project uPods based on a live demo on my machine.

Blog post:

Is that a 4.6c in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

Monday, October 11, 2010

Berlin - a real city feeling

Amazing level of energy that I've almost forgot what it feels like to live in a real city. ---------------------------------
Filip Misovski |  uPods  Technology & Innovation Platform
+49 160 908 23139

Driving to the Airport - Stress Reducing Tip

This is the image of stress when you need to be at the airport and all you see ahead of you is long line of cars, trucks and other Monday morning chaos. TIP: order a shuttle service from your company, so others have to worry about how to get you to the airport while you doze off and chill. It can also work with girlfriend / wife / partner, but be prepared to bare the consequences afterwards. The only disadvantage with a 3rd party is that they don't have a pillow in the backseats, so your head keeps falling down and up, down and up...

Sunday, October 10, 2010

SAP TechEd Berlin coming up - Thomas Otter

I expect Teched to be about adding some details to that vision, and I’m looking of evidence of execution: These are the things I’ll be scrutinizing.

3. River and the other on-demand efforts. What’s really flowing?
7. Gateway, UI, UX and future of SAP portal.
10. Impact of “cloud” on Business Suite.

From a partner perspective, I’m looking for alternative UI work, or UI enhancements, such as RIA, iPad etc.  Making SAP easier to consume is a research theme for me and several colleagues over the next quarter. 

See: SAP User Productivity On Demand Services

Friday, October 08, 2010

Feel the speed at 200 km/h

I have a love and hate relationship with the Autobahn. This is the part I love about...